Speaking on the TV channel France 24 just before the results of the first round of the French presidential were announced on 23 April 2017, John Gaffney, Professor of Politics and […]
The Economist has just published two odd articles which, like so much analysis nowadays, are far behind the curve. In an article “A portrait of Migrantland – explaining Britain’s immigration […]
By Ian Pryde and Suzanne Stafford For the Letter to Investors published by the Diamond Age Russia Fund As 2014, an unusually eventful year, drew to a close, Russia was […]
Призма Путина: Проблемы России нельзя решить без кардинального изменения политики Авторы: Йен Прайд и Сюзанн Стаффорд Специально для Письма Инвесторам, Diamond Age Russia Fund В то время, как 2014 год, […]
Economic prosperity has led to political activism in Russia, but the financial situation of many Russians remains precarious, and Putin may not be able to follow through on his promises […]
Are the skills learned in business school transferable to the political stage? Or are they not even much good for business leadership? Much ado has been made in the last […]
While people in the streets at first glance seems to indicate a movement for political change, it may only indicate how easy it is to organize large groups using the […]
Действия путинской команды за последнее десятилетие укрепляют имеющиеся на Западе антироссийские предрассудки Запад убежден, что Россия не в состоянии решить проблемы коррупции, всевластия бюрократии и провести реальную модернизацию. Без конкуренции […]
An Occupy Wall Street campaign demonstrator stands in Zuccotti Park, near Wall Street in New York October 17, 2011. Source: Reuters / Vostock Photo Is Russia immune to Occupy Wall […]
Even before 9/11, politicians had a tendency to rely on poorly researched information about distant regions and culture. Since then, the situation has just gotten worse. I had just boarded […]